See new 2010 articles: Presenting Everyman and the Riddle
in the First Question of the Wake's Chapter 6
and Mythic Time and Dual Overlook Narrators Structuring James Joyce's Finnegans Wake by Grace Eckley

A Journal of History and Literature (ISSN 1080-1731)


NewsStead was discontinued with Issue No. 25 (Fall 2004). Back issues are still available from the editor.
The following is a complete index for all issues.

NewsStead Nos. 1 - 25, 1992-2004 (Issue and Page Numbers)


No. 1 Fall, 1992
No. 2 Spring, 1993
No. 3 Fall, 1993
No. 4 Spring, 1994
No. 5 Fall, 1994
No. 6 Spring, 1995
No. 7 Fall, 1995
No. 8 Spring, 1996
No. 9 Fall, 1996
No. 10 Spring, 1997
No. 11 Fall, 1997
No. 12 Spring, 1998
No. 13 Fall, 1998
No. 14 Spring, 1999
No. 15 Fall, 1999
No. 16 Spring, 2000
No. 17 Fall, 2000
No. 18 Spring, 2001
No. 19 Fall, 2001
No. 20 Spring, 2002
No. 21 Fall, 2002
No. 22 Spring, 2003
No. 23 Fall, 2003
No. 24 Spring, 2004
No. 25 Fall, 2004
C = Front Cover
BC = Inside Back Cover

Abdoo, Sherlyn 17:17, 17:22
Adams, Jad 19:6
Adams, Sarah D. 5:5
Addingham, England 4:5
Adkin, Mark 11:3
"After Five Years: NewsStead" 10:13
Age of Consent 22:6
Allen, Grant 2:18
"An Anecdote of Oil Import" 14:1
"Another Reason for Stead's Sailing on the Titanic: El Zair" 20:20
"Another Triangle: Joyce, Stead, Mr. Dooley" 7:15
"Arab's Farewell to His Stead" 17:16
Armstrong Case 22: 1, 22:6. 23:2
Arnold, Matthew 7:8


Bainbridge, Beryl 11:5
"Ballad of Reading Gaol, A" 10:3
Banks, Elizabeth 19:1
Barker, Jones 8C
Barnum, P. T. 2:12
Barry, Kathleen 11:26
Barta, Peter I. 14:26
Bashkirtseff, Marie 2:20
Bates, Daisy 5:26, 6:22
Baylen, J. O. 1:19, 4:9, 7:1, 8:21, 8:28, 10:28, 11:18, 13:8, 13:26, 15:21, 18:4
Beckson, Karl 8:31, 9:24, 12:27, 19:6
Behe, George 7:20, 8:20, 9:25, 23:24
Bell, Robert H. 9:31
Belloc, Marie (Lowndes) 14:22, 17:32
Bely, Joyce, and Döblin 14:26
Bernabei, Alfio 23:21
Bernardo (magician) 22:BC
Berry, Neil 13:8, 14:3, 22:28, 23:15
Besant, Annie 6:26, 7:22, 8:32, 19:4
"Best of the Best: Sensationalism and High Culture in W. T. Stead's Reading Revival, The" 11:14
Bibliography 1:12, 4:9, 5:7, 19:19, 25:5, 25:21
Big Issue, The 11:19
Biography 8:9
Black, Martha Fodaski 7:13
Blackburn, Julia 6:22
Bland, Lucy 10:21
Blavatsky, Helen 6:25
Bloch, Ivan S. 1:11, 3:1
Blunt, Wilfrid 24:21
Boer War 21:BC
"Building the Peace Palace at The Hague" 23:16

Books (reviews)
Alaska-Klondike Diary of Elizabeth Robins, The 17:22
Annie Besant: A Biography 7:22
Articles of Faith: The Story of British Intellectual Journalism 22:28, 23:15
Autobiography of Maud Gonne, The 7:25
Banishing the Beast 10:21
Bely, Joyce, and Döblin: Peripatetics in the City Novel 14:26
Blood and Fire: William and Catherine Booth 16:10, 16:13
Blue Island, The 1:13
The Charge 11:3
Christian, The 7:9
City of Dreadful Delight 7:26
Collected Letters of George Gissing, The 10:26
Comic Tradition in Irish Women Writers, The 11:23
Companion to Victorian Literature & Culture, A 16:27
Cook & Peary: The Polar Controversy, Resolved 12:16
Daisy Bates in the Desert 6:22
Department Store: A Social History, The 8:29
Difference in View 9:26
Discrowned King of Ireland, The 9:1
Divine Feminism: Theosophy and Feminism in England 23: 26
Elizabeth Robins, 1862-1952
6:26, 8:21
Elizabeth Robins, Staging a Life 8:21
Every Man for Himself (novel) 11:5
Fashion in Photographs 3:38, 3:BC
Fifty Years of the House of Lords 16:7
Fisher's Face 7:28
George Herbert Perris, 1866-1920: The Life and Times of a Radical 23:25
Gipsy Smith 9:23
Gladstone: A Biography 12:4
Governing Morals: A Social History of Moral Regulation 21:26
Greek and Hellenic Culture in Joyce 14:28
History of the Parish of Wallsend, A 17:32
H.P.B. [Helen Blavatsky] 6:25
Hugh Price Hughes: Founder of a New Methodistm. . . 16:27
Hundred Years Ago, A 9:26
Huxley: From Devil's Disciple to Evolution's High Priest 13:24
If Christ Came to Chicago 8:29, 10:7
Invention of Love, The 12:19, 14:23, 15:28
Is War Now Impossible? 1:11, 3:1
Jack the Ripper and the London Press 1:25
Jack the Ripper Handbook, The 17:31
Jack the Ripper: The Bloody Truth 6:23
Jack the Ripper's Black Magic Rituals 0:23
James Joyce and Popular Culture 9:32
James Joyce and the Language of History 9:29, 9:30
Jocoserious Joyce 9:31
John G. Lake: His Life. . . 8:30
Jolly Family at the Seaside, The 2:27, 3:12
Joyce and the Jews 10:27
Joyce, Joyceans, and the Rhetoric of Citation 16:23
Joyce, Milton, and the Theory of Influence 9:28
Joyce's Iritis and the Irritated Text 9:27
Latin and Roman Culture in Joyce 11:27
Lestrade and the Brother of Death 17:32
Lewis Carroll 9:25, 10:25
London in the 1890s: A Cultural History 8:31
Lost Prime Minister: A Life of Sir Charles Dilke, The 12:25
Madder Music, Stronger Wine: The Life of Ernest Dowson 19:6
Maud Gonne: A Life 7:26
Men in Wonderland: The Lost Girlhood of the Victorian Gentlemen 21:27
My Father 3:8
Names and Stories: Emilia Dilke and Victorian Culture 17:30
Narrative Design in "Finnegans Wake" 11:28
Oberammergau: The Troubling Story of the World's Most Famous Passion Play 18:28
Oscar Wilde and the Poetics of Ambiguity 11:21
Oscar Wilde Encyclopedia, The 12:27, 13:23
On the Wings of the Dove: The International Effects of the 1904-05 Revival 22:27
Popular Magazines in Britain and the United States, 1880-1960, The 13:26
Price of a Cigar: The London Dock Strike of 1889, The 11:26
Prostitution of Sexuality, The 11:26
Pygmalion's Word Play: Shaw 15:28
Reading Derrida Reading Joyce 16:25
Rhodes: The Race for Africa 13:27
The Ripper File 6:23
Shaw and Joyce 7:13
Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning 10:23
Steadfast "Finnegans Wake," The 3:15, 5:16
Steadfast James Joyce 12:27, 14:24
Studies in Victorian Literature 7:8
The 1890s 9:21
Titanic and Silent Cinema, The 19:16
Titanic: "Waiting for Orders": The Story of Alexander James Littlejohn, Steward to W. T. Stead 18:27
Titanic Disaster: As reported in the British National Press 25:19
Treasury of Titanic Tales, A 13:22
True Face of Jack the Ripper, The 6:23, 6:27
A Victorian Marriage: Mandell and Louise Creighton 21:24
The Victorians 23:28
W. B. Yeats: A Life. I. The Apprentice Mage 1865-1914 11:25
With Pen and Camera 2:27
Where the Wall Ends 10:11
W. T. Stead's Hayling Island 3:23, 5:22

Books Citing Stead's Publications 24:19
Books for the Bairns 19:20
Booth, General William 16:13
Borderland 6:24
Borrow, George 1:8
Bottomore, Stephen 19:16
Boxer Rebellion 17:16
"Bram Stoker-Henry Irving Partnership, The" 14:18
Brannen, Paul 17:13
Brunazzi, Elizabeth 10:7, 11:23, 14:24, 16:25
Bryce, Robert M. 12:16
Bryceson, David 25:19
Buchanan, Carl 4:28
Burmeister-Brown, Susan 24:20, 25:3
Burnham, Rev. Tony 16:6
Burrell, Harry 11:28
Butt, Stephen 20:6, 22:8, 22:9, 22:BC, 23:10, 24:20, 25:2, 25:19


Caine, Hall 7:9
Cambridge House 21:20
Campbell, Kate 23:15
Canterbury 13:14

Anti-War cartoon 25:BC
"A Pushing Q" (Stead as Don Quixote) 2:14
Christ in Chicago 8:29
"Hands Across the Sea" flags 28: BC
Home Rule 10:BC
"In the Forest of Dean" (Dilke) 12:BC
"Moral Guides All" 9:BC
"Mr. W. T. Stead" 6:BC
"Mr. W. T. Stead, The Man with the Muckrake" 3:11
"On the Brain: Phil May" 8:32
"On the Brain: Stead and Joyce" 17:BC
"On Tour in America" 15:BC
"The Peace Dove Stead Leaves Noah's Ark" 19:BC
Queen Victoria, Prince of Wales 6:17, 6:20
"Stead and His Bubbles" 14:BC
Stead and the Duma 16:BC
Stead in Chicago 18:2
Teddy: Stead and Joyce 8:BC
"Timely Encouragement" 21:BC
"The Unofficial Missionary" 23:BC
War against War 18:BC
"W. T. Stead as Dramatic Critic" 6:14

Carlisle, John 14:C, 14:23
Campbell, Lady Colin 25:4
Carnegie, Andrew 2:1, 2:25
Carroll, Lewis 9:24, 10:25
Castillo, Susan Perez 1:19
Cevasco, G. A. 9:21, 10:28, 11:11
Channel Tunnel 14:5
"The Charge of the Light Brigade, The" 11:2
"Chats with Father Time: Don Quixote" 2:13
Chicago 13:20, 18:1, 18:4, 18:11
Chicago's Dark Places 18:3
"Child of Thirteen Bought for £5, A" 3:21
"Child Protection under Law: Social Valorization of
the Maiden Tribute" 25:12
"Children's Hour, The" 3:12
Christiania, Norway 21:1
Cinema 10:6, 19:16 20:23
Circulating Library 25:1
Circulation 19:12
Civic Centres 23:23
"Close to the Heart of God: On Sublimity and the Sequestered Fact" 13:5
Coat of Arms for Our Race 11:BC
Cohen, Morton 9:25, 10:25
Conditional Pardon 23:2
Conferences, Stead 12:14, 13:14, 13:15, 14:14, 15:20, 17:13
Conrad, Joseph 17:3
Contagious Diseases Acts 12:2
"Continuing William Butler Yeats" 23:20
"Continuing: An Esperantist Examines Stead's Motives" 15:3
"Countess Stead in Uganda" 24:8
Cooper, Alan 1:12, 7:24, 8:28
Cooperative Movement, The 1:9, 2:25
Cooperative News, The 1:9, 2:14, 2:25
Copyright (European) 15:7
Corelli, Marie 2:22
Cory, Annie Sophie 5:26
Coustillas, Pierre 10:26
Covert, James Thayne 21:4, 21:24
Cranston, Sylvia 6:25
Crawford v Crawford and Dilke 25:20
Crawford, Mrs. Emily 24:21
Crawford, Virginia 23:21, 25:20
Creelman, James 18:19
Creighton, Louise 21:4
Creighton, Mendell 15:22, 21:4
"Creightons Come to Embleton, The" 21:4
Criminal Law Amendment Act 8:5, 22:6-8
Crookes, England 4:3
Cross, Victoria 2:15, 5:26
Curtis, L. Perry 21:25
Custer, General George Armstrong 18:19


Daily Mirror, The 14:22
Darlington 2:C, 2:BC, 10:4, 10:6, 12:2, 13:9, 20:18
Dawson, Gillian M. 24:20, 25:2
Derrida 16:25
Desmond, Adrian 13:24
Devereux, Cecily 13:8, 14:22, 17:16
"Did Stead See the First Film?" 10:6
Dilke, Emilia 17:30
Dilke, Sir Charles 12:25, 17:27, 25:20, 25:6
"Distinguished Functionary: James Knowles of the Nineteenth Century, The" 14:3
Dixon, Joy 23:26
Dogger Bank, see Baylen 7:1
Donde, Maria 15:8, 16:8
"Don't Buy This Book": Roy Hattersley 16:10, 16:13
Donovan, Steve 9:24, 17:3, 17:15
Don Quixote (Stead as) 2:13
Doty, Ruth 6:15
Dowson, Ernest 19:6
Doyle, Arthur Conan 9:24
Dracula 14:18
Drama 6:12, 6:14
Dr. D'Onston 4:28, 20:6, 20:22
Driberg, Tom 14:22
Duma 16:BC
Duncan, Rev. James 25:17
du Maurier, George 2:21
Dunne, Finley Peter 7:15
Durham, James 20:18


Eagle, Georgiana 22:9
Eaton, John P. 14:16
Eckley, Douglas A. 18:19, 21:18
Eckley, Grace 3:15, 3:24, 4:9, 5:5, 5:17, 6:17, 7:13, 8:9, 9:16, 9:30, 10:13, 11:4, 11:25, 11:27, 13:5, 14:23, 14:24, 14:28, 16:5, 17:2, 18:23, 19:6, 19:18, 21:12, 23:10, 24:21, 25:12, 25:18

Eckley, Timothy S. 8:4, 10:24, 16:14, 22:6-8, 25:8
Eckley, Wilton 11:3. 15:15
Edward VII (as Prince of Wales) 20:C
Edwards, Ivor J. 20:23
Edwards, Russell 3:23
Ellis, Havelock 24:21
Elliott, Edwin 2:13
"Elizabeth Robins and W. T. Stead" 6:9
El Zair 20:20
Embleton 8:15, 9:25, 15:22, 16:14, 18:14, 20:19, 21:2, 21:4, 21:11, 22:26, 25:19
Embleton United Reformed Church 16:14, 17:13
Embleton Presbyterian Church 16:5
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 4:BC
"Emigration to Canada: W. T. Stead's Aunt Ann Jobson 25:17
"English-speaking Race, The" (Joyce) 16:23
English, Virginia Shaw 16:15, 17:C, 17:16
Epstein, Jason 13:8
Esperanto 13:3, 15:3, 19:27, 20:16, 23:24
European Copyright 15:7
Evans, Stewart P. 3:28, 9:24, 17:31
"Exploring the Stead Genealogy" 4:1


Facts 13:5
Fairies and Theosophists 11:18
Feminist Views of the Maiden Tribute 2:15, 7:26, 10:17, 10:21
Feminism 23:26
Film 10:6, 20:23
Fisher, Admiral John W. 7:28
"Five Years Index" to NewsStead 10:14
Flag Teas 24:2
Foggett, T. S. 22:24
Ford, Colin 9:26
Ford, S. Gertrude 9:25
Forster, R. F. 11:25
Fortean Times 17:16
"Founder of . . . Secularism: Holyoake, The" 6:23
From Hell (film) 20:23
"Fruits of Theosophy, The: Stead and Annie Besant" 19:4


Galland, Rene 10:7
Garrison, Webb 13:22
Gates, Joanne E. 6:9, 8:21, 8:27, 17:17, 17:22

Bates, Daisy 2:2, 6:22
Belloc, Marie Adelaide 11:20
Cross, Victoria (Annie Sophie Cory) 5:26
Countess of Warwick, The 9:20
Grun, Robert James Horniffen 6:22
Hamilton, Mary Agnes 13:7
Jobson, John 25:18
Marsden, Kate 12:8
Murray, T. Douglas 7:20
Perris, George Herbert 12:9
Stead Family 3:7, 4:1, 8:16, 13:16
Stead, Henry 17:C, 17:11
Stead, John Edward 14:9, 14:10
Stead, Mary Isabella 25:14

George, Christopher T. 20:22
"George Herbert Perris: A Forgotten Radical" 15:10
Ghosts 6:24, 6:15, 6:16, 7:20, 8:20, 19:14, 20:18
Gibbard, Noel 22:27
Gillespie, Michael Patrick 11:21
Giraudoux, Jean 10:7
Gissing, George 10:26, 16:15
Gladstone in Caricature 9:BC
Gladstone, William E. 12:4, 14:5
"Gleanings of Continuing Relevance" 25:18
Gomme, Robert 12:9, 12:11, 15:10, 15:22, 23:15, 23:25
Gonne, Maud 7:25, 7:26
Goodman, Solomon 25:19
"Good That Men Do Lives after Them" 24:2
"Gordon at Khartoum" 15:15
Gordon, General Charles ("Chinese") 15:15
Gottfried, Roy 9:27
Gould, F. Carruthers 18:BC
Grand, Sarah 2:21
Greek and Hellenic Culture in Joyce 14:28
Grey, Sir Edward 11:BC, 15:22
Griffin, Gabriel 9:26
Grun, Robert James Horniffen 5:26, 6:22


Hague, The (Bust of Stead) 10:4, 23:16
Hamilton, Mary Agnes 13:7
Hammerton, John Alexander 24:2
Hapgood, Isabel 15:24
"Hardly an Ideal Heroine": Lady Colin Campbell 25:4
Harmon, William R. 15:3, 16:15, 17:32, 20:16, 23:24
Harrington, Judith 3:28, 5:28, 6:27, 7:24, 9:21, 11:13, 13:23
Harris, Frank 14:23
Harris, Melvin 5:15, 5:23, 6:23, 6:27
Harrison, Brian 9:26
Hattersley, Roy 16:10, 16:13
Haunted Mummy Cover 7:20, 19:14
Hayling Island 2:26, 3:12, 4:C, 5:22, 10:C, 10:5
Healy, Tim 9:BC
Heusel, Barbara Stevens 11:21
"Highest Criticism: Chicago" 13:20
History (quotation) 16:12
Hogan, Patrick Colm 9:28
Holdsworth, Annie 2:21
Hole, E. S. 19:2
Holland, Merlin 15:7
Holly Bush 14:22
"Holly Bush Gazette, The" 5:4
Holyoake, G. J. 5:23
Holy Trinity Church, Embleton 21: C
Honorary Members 15:21
Hostels, Stead 20:15
House of Lords 16:7
Housman, Alfred Edward 14:23
Howdon [Howden] 17:12, 18:16
Howdon Independent Church 18:16
"How Kate Marsden Lost Stead's Support" 12:20
"How Stead's Metaphor. . . Became Joyce's" 6:17
"How Stead Managed the Language in Russia" 20:5
"How the Countess Stead Earned Her Title: 25:16
"How the Mail Steamer Went Down" 5:1
Hughes, Hugh Price 16:27
Humby, Kevin 18:15, 19:15
Hunt, Alan 21:26
Huxley, Thomas Henry 13:24, 14:5


Ibsen, Henrik 17:18
"Iconoclast" 13:7
"Identity of Miss Georgiana Eagle, The" 22:8
If Christ Came to Chicago 13:10, 13:20, 14:22, 18:8
"If Stead Came to Chicago, What Would Jesus Do?" 18:11
"Improving the Drama" 6:14
"Inconsistent Consistencies in the Trials of W. T. Stead and Oscar Wilde" 25:8
Index, Five Years 10:14
Index, Ten Years 19:19, 20:24
"Inhuman Crimes in England" 23:11
"In Remembrance" 5:22
Interparliamentary Conference 21:1
"Interviews" 6:12, 13:5, 13:21
Invention of Love, The (play) 14:23, 17:16
Invention of Love, The (book) 15:28
Irving, Henry 14:18
Isaaman, Gerald 11:13, 11:19
Israel, Kali 17:30
"Is This Heaven? It's Stead's Blue Island" 1:13
"Is War Impossible?" 1:11, 3:1


Jackson, Kate 13:8
Jack the Ripper 4:26, 4:28, 5:15, 6:4, 6:23, 6:28, 17:31, 20:22, 6:233, 20:BC, 21:25
Jeffares, A. Norman 7:25
Jeltsema, F. E. (sculptor) 10:4
Jenkins, Roy 12:4
"Jimjams. . . in Finnegans Wake" 5:17
Joan of Arc 10:1
Jobson, Ann 25:17
John, Angela V. 8:21, 8:27
Jolas, Eugene 5:6
Jones, Jack 1:19
Jones, Margaret 1:19
Jones, Victor G. Pierce 1:19, 3:28, 5:7, 5:28
Jordan, Anne 25:4
Jordan, David Starr 11:11
Journalism 9:16, 13:5, 19:18
"Journalism That Made History: A Stead Bibliography" 19:18
Joyce, James 5:5, 5:16, 5:27, 6:17, 7:13, 7:15, 8:13, 8:32, 8:BC, 14:24, 14:26, 14:28, 16:23, 16:25, 17:15, 17:BC, 18:21, 18:23, 19:13, 25:20

"Joyce's Anna Livia. . . Reviews' St. Lawrence" 5:27
Joyce's "The Dead" 6:17
Joyce's Notebook VI.B.28-90 3:16
Joyce Notes 16:26, 17:15, 18:13, 18:21
Julia's Bureau 13:10, 22:21, 25:18


Kastaryov, Alexander See Kustaryov
Kendall, Rev. Henry 20:18
Kenny, Thomas J. 5:16, 6:23, 7:24, 8:27, 9:24, 15:21
Kirshner, R. B. 9:32
Kiely, Benedict 1:8, 5:15
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta 13:21
Knapp, Dashiell 17:11
Knapp, Shoshana Milgram 2:15, 5:26, 7:22, 9:24, 13:10, 17:11
Knowles, James 14:3
Knowlton, Eloise 16:23
Koeneke, Rodney 11:14
Kustaryov, Alexander 15:8, 16:8, 16:16, 19:3
Kuzmin-Karavayev, Vladimir 15:8, 16:16


Labelle, Maurice 5:6, 5:22
"Laboratory of Freedom, The" (Russia 1905) 16:8
Labouchere, Henry 14:23
Lake, John G. 8:30
Lancaster, William 8:29
"Landscape of the Imagination, The" 15:28
Languages 20:5
La Revuo 20:16
"Lasting Impressions of the Theatre" (Robins) 17:17
Last Will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes, The 11:13
Lazell, David 1:9, 2:28, 5:23, 6:27, 6:28, 7:9, 8:30, 9:23, 9:24, 11:13, 11:18, 11:26, 12:16, 15:21, 16:27, 22:27, 23:15

Lees, Robert James 20:6
Levenson, Leah 5:9
Levitt, Sarah 3:28, 3:BC
Library 6:1, 6:7, 25:1
"Like Father, Like Son" 24:14
"Links unto Chains" 7:5
"Literary Incest: Scholarly Abuses of the ‘Maiden Tribute'" 10:17
Littlejohn, Alexander James 18:27
Littlejohn, Philip 18:27
"Living in the Old Manse, Embleton" 22:24
Log-rolling 16:25
London 11:19, 18:22
"London Kills Me" 11:19
Longford, Elizabeth 20:10
Losey, Jay 15:28
Lowell, James Russell 14:1
Lowndes, Marie Belloc 14:22, 17:32
Lowndes, Susan 14:22


"'Madman and a Fool,' A: Robert James Lees" 20:6
"Maiden Tribute, The" 3:9, 3:20, 7:26, 10:17,
10:21,13:10, 13:11, 16:10, 19:6, 25:12
Malthouse, Denis 21:2, 21:5
Mann, Clint 3:7, 4:1, 8:16
Manning, Cardinal 23:11
Marsden, Kate 12:8, 12:20, 15:24
Marshik, Celia 23:14
"Mary Elaine Stead in London" 24:7
"Mary Resurrection" (poem) 6:15
Mason, Shelagh 14:22, 16:3, 19:13, 25:3, 25:17
Mattheisen, Paul F. 10:26
May, Phil 8:32
Maybrick, Florence 25:19
McClelland, Graham 11:6
Macleod, Irene 20:18
McCormack, J. E. (Jim) 10:27, 14:26, 16:23
McDonald, Margaret 9:28
McLaren, Angus 23:14
McMillan, Gloria 16:15, 23:14, 23:24
Matthew, Colin 16:15
"Medium Looks at Stead's Mediumship, A" 8:1
Medicine 20:20
Menshikov 16:8
"Men and Religion Forward Movement" 23:22
"Men Worth Knowing: W. T. Stead and David Starr Jordan 11:11
"Merlin Holland Addresses European Copyrights" 15:7
Millinship, William 12:8, 12:20, 15:24, 16:15
Millward, Pat 5:26, 6:22
Millward, R. J. 8:14
Milne, Maurice 13:5
Milyukov, Professor 16:16, 19:3, 20:4
Minneapolis 18:22
"Missing Motivations in the Gladstone Biographies" 12:4
"Mister Dooley" (song) 7:15
Moessner, Victoria Joan 17:22
"More About the Whitechapel Murderer!" 6:23
Morley, Rose 18:12
Morris, Jan 7:28
Morse, Albert "Ren" Reynolds 17:11
Moses, Stainton 17:16
Mott, Frank Luther 11:13
Mowbray House 24:1
"Mowbray House Friday At Homes, The" 19:1
"Mr. Dooley" 7:15
Mr. Stead's Speech to the Jury 22:1
Mummy, Haunted 7:20, 8:20, 19:14
Munsil, William W. 13:3
Murphy, William M. 22:18
Murray, T. Douglas 7:20
"Mysterious Rose Morley, The" 18:12


Nadel, Ira 10:27
"Nearer, My God, to Thee" 5:5
"Never Strike Sail to a Fear" 4:BC
Newcastle 8:29, 17:12, 18:12, 18:13, 23:23, 24:15
Newcastle Daily Chronicle 17:12
Newcastle: The Journal 19:36
Newnes, George 8:32, 20:7
Newspapers 7:1
NewsStead concluding issue 25:20
New York 18:21
Nicholls, David 12:25
Night to Remember, A (film) 13:19
Nobel Peace Prize 7:19
"Nom de Guerre:. . . Stead Biography" 8:9
"North Pole Cook-Peary Controversy, The" 12:16
Northrop, W. B. 2:27
"North to Alaska" (Elizabeth Robins) 17:22
Norton, Caroline 17:16
"Note on Early Films about the Titanic, A" 19:16
Novikoff, Madame Olga 12:C


Oberammergau 18:28
O'Connor, Theresa 11:23
"Odd Couple: Andrew Carnegie and W. T. Stead, The" 2:1
Old Manse, Embleton 22:24, 25:18
Oldstone-Moore, Christopher 26:27
"On the Brain": Phil May's Caricatures 8:32
"Origin of Civic Centres" 23:23
"Other Side of Whyte's Biographies" 24:21
Owen, David 7:24
Owen, Robert 1:9


Pall Mall Gazette, The 3:9, 3:20, 4:26, 5:1
Pandolfino, Carl 1:13, 3:28
Pankhurst, Sylvia 23:14
Parnell, Charles Stewart 9:1, 9:16, 9:BC
Patterson, Mark 13:10
Peace Conference, The Hague 23:BC
Peace Congress, New York 18:21
"Peace Efforts of George Herbert Perris, The" 12:11
Peace Palace 23:16
Penny Poets 17:1
Perris, George Herbert 12:9, 12:11, 15:10
Petitions for Stead's Release 23:2
Phonetic Reform 13:1

Photographs and Illustrations
Adams, Sarah D. 5:15
Alfred Stead 24:6
Alfred Stead and The Countess 24:C
Armstrong, Eliza 3:23
Besant, Mrs. Annie 8:32
Carlisle, John 14:C
Carnegie, Andrew 2:2
Countess, The 24:C, 24:10, 24:BC, 25:16
Crusoe, R. (Hayling Island) 5:22
Darlington Northern Echo Plaque 2:C, 2:BC
The Devil's Punch Bowl, c. 1929 6:BC
Dilke, Sir Charles 12:BC
Dr. William T. Stead 7:BC
Edward VII (as Prince of Wales) 20:C
Egyptian Wooden Coffin Cover 7:21
Foggett, T. S. 22:24
"From Our Office Windows" (Map) 3:14
Hayling Island 10C
Holyoake, George Jacob 5:23
If Christ Came to Chicago 8:29
Joyce's Notebook VI.B.28 and 29 3:16
Kahangi 24:9
Map of Jack the Ripper Killings 4:27, 20:BC
Marsden, Kate 12:20
Monastery at Ischia, Italy 25:16
"Moral Guides All" 9:BC
Mr. W. T. Stead as Dramatic Critic 6:14
"Never strike sail to a fear" 4:BC
Newnes, George 8:32
Night to Remember, A 13:19
No. 32, Poland Street 3:19
Nome (by Elizabeth Robins) 17:24
Novikoff, Olga 12:C
Old Stone Academy 17:19
"On the Brain": Phil May 8:32
"On the Brain": Joyce and Stead 8:BC
"On Tour in America" 15:BC
Peace Dove, Stead 19:BC
Pope Leo XIII 8:32
Prison Uniform 10:C, 10:5
Queen Victoria 6:17, 6:20, 8:C
Review of Reviews Library 23:FC, 25:1
Rochdale, Toad Lane 1:11
"Secret of England's Greatness, The" 8:C
Shaw, Albert 13:C
Shiel, M.P. 13:BC
Silcoates School, 1874 16:C
Site of Stead's First Employment 18:14
Skibo Castle 2:3
Stead and Pope Leo XIII 8:32
Stead Bronze, Central Park 7:C
Stead Close, Hayling Island 4:C
Stead, (Mrs.) Emma 10:C, 11:C
Stead, The Hague Bust 10:4
Stead Family Tombstone 16:14
Stead, Henry 17:C
Stead Memorial Church 25:15
Stead Plaque at Northern Echo 2:C, 2:BC
Stead Plaque at 5 Smith Square 25:2, 25:3
Stead, Rev. William 18:C
Stead Statue (London) 10:4
Stead, W.T. 1:BC, 2:C, 3:BC, 4:25, 8:BC, 9:C
Titanic 5:C
Vampire 14:21
Volunteers Wanted 5:8
Wall, Professor Joseph F. 8:15
Wilde, Oscar 25:9

Phonetic Reform 13:1, 13:2
Pitman, Isaac 13:1, 13:2
Plaques, Stead 2:C, 3:BC, 2:28, 7:C, 10:5, 25:2
"Play about Housman (and Stead), A" 14:23
Plowden, Alison 10:20
"Power of Penny Steadfuls, The" 7:8
Price, Leslie 17:16
Prince of Wales 6:17, 6:20
Prison Uniform 10:C, 10:5
"Problem with Heroes, The" 17:13
"Pure in Heart: Francis Sheehy-Skeffington, The" 5:9
"Puzzling Parentage, A" 16:3


Quarks 5:15
Queen Victoria 20:6
Queen Victoria as Borderlander 22:17
Queen Victoria's Watch 22:9
Quigley, Carroll 21:12, 21:18
Quinn, Timothy 9:27, 9:29
Quixote, Don (Stead as) 2:12, 2:13


"Raising the Age of Consent" 22:6
Rajah's Sapphire, The 13:16
Rasmussen, Jim 5:22
Rason, Denise 21:19, 22:8, 25:2
Reading Revival 6:1, 11:14
"Real Ghost, A: James Durham of Darlington" 20:18
Real Ghost Stories 20:18
Reed, David 13:26
"Remarkable Arminius Vambéry, The" 15:4
Revival in Wales 22:27
Reynolds, Jean 15:28
Review of Reviews (map) 3:14, 5:27
Review of Reviews as periodical 22:28
"Revisiting Newcastle . . . Civic Centers" 24:15
Rhodes, Cecil J. 13:27, 21:12, 21:18
Richardson, William 17:12, 17:32
Roberts, Lewis C. 13:9
Robins, Elizabeth 6:9, 6:12, 6:26, 8:21, 8:27, 17:17, 17:22
Robins, Raymond 17:23
Robins, Saxton 17:25
Robson, Catherine 21:27
Rochdale, Toad Lane 1:11
A Romance of the London Press (by Stead) 11:13
Roughley, Alan 16:25
Rowntree, Thomas Keith 16:3, 16:14
"Rumored Taft Telegram, The" 17:2
Russia, Stead in 11:1, 15:8, 16:8, 16:16, 16:BC, 19:3, 20:1, 20:5


Salmon, Richard 12:19
Salvation Army 16:6, 16:10, 16:13
Sandgate 18:13
Schork, R. J. 14:28
Schults, Raymond L. 5:7, 10:20
Sebastopol 11:1
"Secret of England's Greatness, The" 8:C
"Serving Homeless People" 6:7
Shapiro, James 18:28
Sharp, Neil 16:5, 16:14, 17:15, 18:C, 18:14, 19:13, 22:24, 22:26, 24:15, 25:17, 25:18, 25:20
Shaw, Albert 13:C, 13:12, 13:13
Shaw, George Bernard 7:13, 15:28, 23:14, 24:21
Sheldon, Patricia 17:12, 17:15, 18:13, 18:14, 20:15
Shepard, Leslie 1:1, 2:27, 2:28, 5:19, 5:28, 6:27, 7:24, 10:6, 11:18, 14:18, 15:4, 16:15, 19:4, 19:16,
(obituary) 25:20
Shiel, M. P. 13:16, 13:BC
Silcoates School 16:C, 16:1, 16:3, 18:22
Sinnett, A. P. 25:18
"Sir Charles Dilke—and W. T. Stead—on Trial" 17:27
Sitting Bull 18:19
Skeffington, Francis Sheehy 5:9
Skipper, George 18:C
Skousen, W. Cleon 21:18
Smith, Charles Septimus 17:12, 18:13
Smith, Gipsy 9:23
Smith, Harry 16:3, 18:22
Smith Square (Stead residence) 21:19, 22:C, 22:8, 23:10, 24:20, 25:2
Smuts, General J. C. 14:2
"Smuts Papers: General J. C. Smuts to W. T. Stead, The" 14:2
"Some Dates. . . of William Thomas Stead" 1:20
"Speaking of the Christian Socialists" 7:9
Spiritualism 6:15, 6:16, 8:1, 8:30, 20:6, 20:18
Spiritualist Association of Great Britain 10:4
Spoo, Robert 9:29, 9:30
Squires, John D. 13:16, 16:15, 18:BC, 23:24, 25:2, 25:20
Squibb, Molly 6:7
"Stead Among the Feminists" 2:15
"Stead as Recorded on Television" 19:13
Stead Bibliography 4:9, 19:19, 25:21
Stead Biographical Sketches 1:1, 1:20, 8:9, 20:16
Stead Books Available 1:12
Stead Books on the Internet 12:22
Stead Close (Hayling Island) 4:C
Stead Conferences 12:14, 13:14, 13:15, 14:14, 15:20, 17:13
Stead, England (hamlet) 4:8
Stead Hostels 20:15
Stead Family
Stead, Alfred 24:3, 24:14
Stead, Anthony 24:11, 25:13, 25:16, 25:20
Stead, Mary Elaine Hussey, "The Countess" 24:3, 24:7, 24:8, 24:BC, 25:16
Stead, (Mrs.) Emma 10:C, 11C
Stead, Estelle 3:8, 20:15, 25:17
Stead, Glen 19:17
Stead, Henry 17:C, 17:11
Stead, John Edward 14:9, 14:10, 16:14
Stead, Mary Isabella 25:14
Stead, Sylvia 13:10
Stead, Rev. William 18:C, 18:14, 18:15, 25:15
Stead Family Tombstone 16:14
Stead Relatives in Canada 25:17
Steadfast "Finnegans Wake, The" 11:18
"Stead Genealogy, The" 3:7, 4:1, 8:16, 25:14
"Stead . . .Had Scented Blood": Vizetelly and Zola 19:6
"Stead in Russia, 1905" 19:3
Stead, John 25:2
"Stead, Quigley, and Rhodes's ‘Secret Society'" 21:12
Stead Interviews 18:21
Stead Marriage 17:12
Stead, Michael 25:15
Stead on BBC Radio 15:21, 16:6, 18:22
Stead on Stage 12:19, 13:10, 14:23, 17:16, 18:22
Stead on Television 15:21, 16:15, 19:13, 24:19, 25:19
Stead on the Web 12:24, 15:21
Stead Plaques 2:C, 2:BC, 2:28, 7:C, 10:5; 21:19, 23:10, 24:20, 25:2
"Stead Redivivus" 3:24
Stead Statue, London 10:4
"Stead's First Employer" (C. S. Smith) 17:12
"Stead's Leader Addressing the First Vizetelly
Conviction" 19:12
"Stead's Letters to Elizabeth Robins" 8:27
Stead Society 7:12
Stead/Steed One-Name Study 13:14, 14:22, 15:20, 15:21
"Stead the Drama Critic" 6:14
"Stead-Titanic Mysteries" 14:16
"Stead Uses a Shovel" 18:1

Stead, W. T. (Reprints)
[review] £40,000,000: What Shall I Do with It? 2:25
"Abating a Literary Nuisance" (Vizetelly and Zola) 19:12
"A Child of Thirteen Bought for £5" 3:21
"An Anecdote of Oil Import" 14:1
"The Conviction of Oscar Wilde" 10:1
The Discrowned King of Ireland 9:1
"From Our Office Windows" 3:14
"The History of Periodicals" 5:19
"How the Mail Steamer Went Down" 5:1
If Christ Came to Chicago 8:29, 10:7
"Improving the Drama" 6:14
"Indiscriminate Charity" 12:1
"Interviews: Elizabeth Robins" 6:12
Jolly Family at the Seaside, The 3:23, 5:22
"King of Waterways, The" 5:27
"Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon, The" 3:20
"More Concerning the ‘W. T. Stead Communications" 6:16
"Mr. Stead's Dream" 8:19
"Musings on the Question of the Hour" 3:9
"North Country Members and the C.D. Acts" 12:2
"Notes on My American Tour" (1907) 15:1
"The Popularity of the ‘Penny Poets'" 17:1
"Progress of the World: Oscar Wilde" 10:1
"Progress of the World: Sebastopol" 11:1
"Reading for Town and Village" 25:1
"Reminiscences of Silcoates" 16:1
"Russia's New Great Hope" 20:1
"Stead Uses a Shovel" (Chicago) 18:1
"Wanted—A Reading Revival" 6:1
"The White Chapel Demon's Nationality" 4:26

Stephenson, John 1:19, 2:28, 5:7, 9:25, 10:5, 10:11, 16:14, 25:1
St. Lawrence River 5:27
Stoker, Bram 1:8, 14:18, 16:15
Stoppard, Tom 12:19, 13:10, 14:23, 15:28, 17:16
Strachan, Ross 17:31
Sullivan, Mark 13:13
"Supplementing the W. T. Stead Bibliography" 25:21
‘Swaff: The Life and Times of Hannen Swaffer 14:22
Swaffer, Hannen 14:22


Taft Telegram 14:16, 17:2, 25:19
Tautriadelta 4:28
Taylor, Anne 1:8, 7:22
Taylor, David, MP 25:2
Teddy (artist) 17:BC
Telegrams, Titanic 12:23, 25:19
Television Documentary 24:19, 25:19
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 11:13, 13:8, 17:16
Ten Years Index to NewsStead 20:24
Tethering Stone, Darlington 10:4
"That Newspaper Fellow—What's His Name?" (Conrad) 17:3
Theosophical History 9:24, 11:18, 22:17
Theosophy 19:4, 23:26
Thomas, Antony 13:27
"Thought for the Day: Anniversary" 16:6
Ticehurst, Brian J. 6:28
Times, The (reprint from) 20: 1
Times Literary Supplement 23:15
Titanic 5:5-6, 6:28, 8:19, 11:4, 11:5, 13:21, 13:22, 14:16, 14:22, 18:27, 19:16, 23:24, 24:19, 25:19
"Titanic" and Silent Cinema, The 19:16
"Titanic: An Historical Novel" 11:5
"Titanic Blues" 5:6
Titanic Mummy 7:20, 19:14
"Titanic on Display" 12:23
Titanic Post Cards 19:C, 19:2, 19:17
Titanic: "Waiting for Orders" 18:27
"Titanic: Why Stead Sailed" 11:4
"To Her Most Gracious Majesty" 23:1
"Tracing Alfred Stead and The Countess" 24:11
"Transformational Journalism" 9:16
A Treasury of Titanic Tales 13:22
"Triangle: Shaw, Stead, Joyce, A" 7:13
Trow, M. J. 17:32
Tucker, Herbert F. 16:27
Tulip, Alan 21:19, 24:8
"Two Incidental Pleasures of Embleton" 15:22
Two Worlds, The 6:16


Uganda 21:19
"Uninvited Peace-Maker, The" (1905) 15:8
"Unveiling of the Memorial Plaque, The" 25:2
"Updating the House of Lords" 16:7


Vambéry, Arminius 14:20, 15:4
Vampire 14:18
"Vastness" 13:11
"Victorian's Crusade in Chicago, A" 18:4
Victorians Uncovered (television) 19:13
"Vindictive Ghosts: Haunted Houses. . ." 19:14
"Virginia Crawford in Italy" 23:21
Vizetelly, Ernest 19:6
Vizetelly, Henry 19:6, 19:12
Vogeler, Martha S. 2:28, 3:28, 6:9, 6:28, 7:24, 7:28, 10:21, 11:13, 14:22, 16:15, 16:27, 17:27, 23:25, 24:2, 25:20


Walkowitz, Judith R. 7:26
Wall, Joseph F. 2:1, 8:15, 10:28
Wallace, J. R. 10:11
Wallsend 10:11, 13:15, 14:14
Walsh, Archbishop 8:1, 8:16
War against War 18:BC
Ward, Margaret 7:26
Watch, Queen Victoria's 22:9
Warwick, Countess of 9:20
Web sites 13:19, 16:15, 17:BC, 19:15
Wells, H. G. 24:21
What Would Jesus Do? 18:11
"Where the Wall Ends" 10:11
"Where to Find Stead" 10:4-5
White, Anna MacBride 7:25, 7:26
Whitechapel murders 4:26, 6:23, 17:31, 20:23, 20:BC
White Slavery 3:24
"Why Kate Marsden Helped the Siberian Lepers" 15:24
"Why Stead Was Born at Embleton" 16:5
Whyte, Frederic 24:21
Wicht, Wolfgang 6:28
Wilde, Oscar 6:27, 10:1, 11:21, 12:27, 13:23, 25:8
"Wildewide" Landscape of the Mind, A" 12:2
Wilkins, Erika 16:15
Williams, Stanley T. 7:8
Williamson, Linda 5:15, 8:1
Wilson, A. N. 23:28
Wimbledon 8:14, 21:20
Winter, Jay 10:23
Women 2:23
Women's Suffrage 23:14
Wood, Sally 3:28
"Words Alone are Certain Good: W.B. Yeats 22:18
Wriedt, Etta 12:23
"W. T. Stead and Periodical Literature" 5:19
"W. T. Stead and the Cooperative Movement" 1:9
"W. T. Stead in Russia: September 1905" 16:16
"W. T. Stead: Man of Two Worlds" 1:1
W. T. Stead Memorial Society 15:21
"W. T. Stead's Estimate of the London Press" 7:1
"W. T. Stead, Sitting Bull, and Custer" 18:19
"W. T. Stead's Print Orangery in Finnegans Wake" 18:23
"W. T. Stead: The Formative Years" 11:6


Yeats, John Butler 22:18
Yeats, William Butler 6:16, 11:25, 22:18, 23:20
Young, Arthur C. 10:26


Zola, Emile 19:6, 19:12





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